2021 International Graduate Workshop on GeoInformatics
December 18-19, 2021
The 2021 International Graduate Workshop on Geo-Informatics (IGWG2021) will be held online Dec.18-19, 2021. It aims to bring together postgraduates, young researchers and scholars to exchange and share their experiences and research in the field of geoinformatics. IGWG2021 provides an academic exchange platform for participants to present and discuss the latest innovations, trends, concerns, practical challenges, solutions in the geoinformatics. Participants are offered an opportunity to broaden their horizons while enhancing bonds of friendship.
Conference Organization
Peking University
Wuhan University
The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Local Organizers:
Institute of Remote Sensing and Geographic Information System, Peking University
Beijing Key Lab of Spatial Information Integration & Its Applications, Peking University
State Key Laboratory of Information Engineering in Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing (LIESMARS), Wuhan University
Department of Land Surveying and Geo-Informatics, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University
Call for Extended Abstracts and Full Papers
We call for extended abstracts and full papers from post-doctoral researchers, PhD students, and master students in geoinformatics and related areas.
Workshop Topics
The workshop topics include, but are not limited to:
(1) Remote Sensing Analysis and Application
Keywords: Advances in SAR, Optical Remote Sensing, Fluorescence Remote Sensing, Nightlight Remote Sensing, Image Classification, Object Detection, Change Detection, Information Extraction, Remote Sensing Applications in Agriculture, Environment and Geologic Disasters, Hyperspectral Remote Sensing, Satellite and Ground Lidar, Remote Sensing in Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation-Radiation Interaction
(2) Photogrammetry
Keywords: Computer Vision, 3D Reconstruction, Geometric Processing, 3D laser Scanning, Unmanned Vehicles, UAVs, Robots, and Other New Geographic Information Collection Equipment
(3) Geographic Information Systems and Services
Keywords: Smart City, Sensor Network and Internet of Things, Social Sensing and Geo-computation
(4) Navigation and Location Services
Keywords: Indoor Navigation, Location-Based Services Indoors/Outdoors, GNSS Based Positioning Indoors/Outdoors, Positioning Based on Wireless Sensor Net-Works or Emerging Sensors
(5) Geodetic and Gravitational Measurement
Keywords: Planetary Spacecraft Precise Orbit Determination, Planetary Gravity Field Recovery, Planetary Internal Structures
(6) Space Networks and Space Communications
Keywords: Private Data Release, Location Privacy-Preserving, Privacy Protection in Biometrics
(7) Spatial Data Analysis and Mining
Keywords: Data Fusion, Spatial Data Modeling, Processing, Analysis, Mining and Visualization
(8) Ubiquitous Mapping and Artificial Intelligence
Keywords: Ubiquitous mapping, Ubiquitous location-based service, Spatial big data information of traffic, Traffic guidance service, Machine learning, Intelligent robotics, Cognitive aspects of AI, Heuristic search, Knowledge representation, Natural language processing
Participants from other disciplines are also welcomed to contribute interdisciplinary abstracts/papers.
Important Dates
Abstract submission deadline: November 25, 2021
Notification of acceptance: November 30, 2021
Slides submission deadline: December 13, 2021
Presentations, Exhibits, and Activities: December 18-19, 2021
Schedule At A Glance (tentative)
Time |
AM |
PM |
1st day |
Opening Ceremony & Keynote Speech |
Sessions |
2nd day |
Sessions |
Round Table Discussion & Closing Ceremony |
Online platform: ZOOM/Tencent Meeting
Submission Guidelines
a) Authors can choose to submit either an extended abstract or a full paper (but not both). For extended abstract, it should be at least 500 words, and no more than 1000 words. For the full paper, it should be at least 1500 words, and no more than 2500 words (for format details you may refer to attachment ‘IGWG2021_Word_Template & Guidelines.doc’ at the end).
b) Slides will be required and should be presented in English. Please submit the slides to xyxing@pku.edu.cn by Dec.13. The presentation should last no longer than 15 minutes, and will be followed by a 5 minutes Q&A.
c) Extended abstract or full paper should be submitted to xyxing@pku.edu.cn. Your email title should include the following information in the provided format: Author affiliation-Author’s passport full name-Post doctoral researchers/PhD student/Master student-Thesis Title-Topic Number, e.g. Peking University-Tom-PhD student-Social Sensing-3.
Publication and Presentation
Authors of accepted extended abstract or full paper will be invited to give oral presentations in the workshop. Submissions will not be published.
A selection of high quality papers will be recommended to the journal of GSIS (Geo-spatial Information Science, ISBN 1009-5020). GSIS is the first English academic journal in China for Surveying, Mapping and Remote Sensing. In 2016 the journal was transformed into an open access (OA) publishing model to boost international communications. At present, this journal is included in international databases such as SCI-Expand, ESCI, Scopus, CSCD, GeoBase and PubMed.
Extended abstracts will be viewed and selected by referees; all extended abstracts accepted by the workshop are eligible for awards. Based on the number of extended abstracts in each topic and presentation, we will set Excellent Presentation Awards, Excellent Participation Awards and Interdisciplinary Presentation Awards.
Contact Information
If you have any further questions regarding the submissions to the Workshop, please contact the conference staff.
Submission to: xyxing@pku.edu.cn (Xiaoyue Xing)
Attachment: IGWG2021 Word Template & Guidelines.doc