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发布时间:2022-11-08 09:53 来源: 作者:





近年来,本所承担了多项遥感科学与技术、地理信息科学、卫星导航定位领域的国家重点研发任务、973项目、863项目、科技支撑计划项目、重大专项、自然科学基金和国际合作等项目,年均经费近3000万元。从2000年以来,获国家科技进步奖3项、省部级科技奖20余项、国际发明奖、国家发明专利多项。近5年在国际顶级遥感地信刊物如RSEISPRSIJGISIEEE TGRS 等年均发表 SCI 论 文100余篇,国内核心期刊论文30余篇。多位老师担任国际重要期刊主编、副主编与编委。









l 定量遥感:遥感辐射传输机理、反演理论

l 信息遥感:时空大数据、空间信息智能处理、导航/GIS空间定位与分析

l 应用遥感:行星遥感、水文遥感、城市遥感、农业遥感等


l 长聘教授:活跃在教学科研一线,在科学研究方面取得国际同行公认的重要学术成就,具有带领本学科赶超或引领国际先进水平的能力,能胜任本科核心课程讲授任务。为人正派、学风端正,有优秀的工作能力和良好的团队组织能力。

l 长聘副教授:活跃在教学科研第一线,取得国际同行认可的突出学术成就,具有很高的国际知名度和影响力,在教学和研究生培养方面表现优秀并取得重要成果,在所在院系的学科建设中起到重要作用,能胜任本科核心课程讲授任务,年龄不超过45周岁。为人正派、学风端正,有优秀的工作能力和良好的团队组织能力。

l 助理教授:获得博士学位,在研究方面已取得具有原创性和重要性的研究成果,在领域内有一定的知名度和影响力,具有优秀的发展潜力,能独立承担本科核心课程讲授任务,年龄不超过40周岁。为人正派、学风端正,有优秀的工作能力和良好的团队合作精神。


l 根据申请的岗位,提供具有国际竞争力的薪酬待遇。

l 良好的科研平台和办公空间。

l 充裕的科研启动经费:包括国家规定人才经费,学校、学院经费支持。

l 资源配置:配备良好的办公用房和科研平台,根据岗位配置研究生资格、优质学生资源。

l 支持申请国家人才计划、北京大学计划(博雅学者、博雅博士后)。

l 服务保障:特别房租补贴及住房分配;优质的医疗服务保障,职能部门提供一站式服务;北大附属幼儿园、小学和初中高中优质教育资源。



1. 请应聘者发送详细个人简历一份,简历中需提供个人教育背景、工作经历、发表论文、科研项目、获奖荣誉、获授权专利或软件著作权等。同时,需提供3-5名同行专家联系方式,由本所向其直接索取推荐信。

2. 通过简历初筛者,由本所推荐参加学院学术委员会面试,原则上均需到学院现场面试,特殊情况者可远程视频面试,具体要求另行通知。

3. 通过学院面试者,由学院推荐参加学校人才引进委员会答辩,通过后签订引进人才合同、办理进校手续。


ü 联系方式:

n irsgis@pku.edu.cn;010-62751961(林老师)

ü 网页

n 北大地球与空间科学学院:https://sess.pku.edu.cn/

n 北大遥感所:http://www.irsgis.pku.edu.cn/

Multiple Open-Rank Faculty Positions in the Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS, School of Earth and Space Sciences, Peking University, Beijing, China (2023)

n The Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS at Peking University invites domestic and foreign talents to join our faculty. Multiple open-rank faculty positions are now available in three research areas: (1) Physical Remote Sensing: fundamentals in radiative transfer models, inversion theory, and quantitative remote sensing; (2) Digital Remote Sensing and Geoinformatics: geodesy and location services, GIS, spatio-temporal big data, digital spatial analytics; (3) Applied Remote Sensing: applications of RS/GIS/GPS/GNSS in solving fundamental science questions on our earth and other planets, as well as their applications in addressing major engineering needs (areas include but not limited to global change, ecology, agriculture, water cycle, urbanization, disasters, etc.; candidates with a strong background in remote sensing of planetary sciences are encouraged to apply).

n Positions: Tenure-Track Assistant/Associate Professor levels are desired. For exceptional cases, a more senior starting position may be considered. The first-round application ends in March 1st, 2023. Applications will continue to be accepted throughout 2023.

n About us: Peking University is a leading university in China with diverse disciplines in all natural and social sciences. The institute offers comprehensive academic programs for undergraduate, Master’s, and Ph.D. students (see websites at https://www.irsgis.pku.edu.cn/ and https://sess.pku.edu.cn/english/research/program/269899.htm). We strive to build an internationally recognized research program in Remote Sensing Science and Technologies with inclusive academic environment. There are currently 34 faculty members with diverse research interests, including physical remote sensing (ultraviolet, optical, thermal infrared, microwave, SAR, LiDAR, etc.), GIS spatial analytics and software, geodesy and location services, spatial analysis for transportation and urban studies, and applied remote sensing for deep space, agriculture, ecology, water cycle, global change, urban studies, natural disasters, etc.

n Qualifications and Application Materials:

ü A Ph.D. degree in related research disciplines

ü Curriculum Vitae with publication records

ü Three reference names (including one from the Ph.D. advisor; letters will be requested by the search committee at a later stage)

ü Research and teaching plans for the next 3-6 years (no more than 3 pages)

n Benefits:

ü Competitive base annual salary, commensurate with qualification and experience

ü Start-up research funding is available

ü University apartment may be rented at a reduced rate, and better housing support is likely in the near future.

n Contact information:

ü Ms. Xuefen Lin (secretary of the search committee), Email: irsgis@pku.edu.cn.

Institute of Remote Sensing and GIS · School of Earth and Space Sciences · Peking University, Beijing, China, 100871
